Getting Started

Social Development Strategy

Communities that Care is underpinned by the Social Development Strategy - an evidence-based framework which organises protective factors into a simple strategy for action to promote positive youth development.

The Social Development Strategy identifies the following key components to increase protective factors for young people in your community:

Healthy beliefs and clear standards for behaviour: Young people are more likely to engage in healthy, socially responsible behaviour when parents, teachers and the community around them communicate healthy beliefs and clear standards.

Bonding: Strong, attached relationships with those who hold healthy beliefs and clear standards are an important protective influence. To create these bonds, young people need:

Opportunities: Provide opportunities for active participation and meaningful involvement with prosocial others, including families, schools, communities and peer groups.
Skills: Teach young people the skills they need to succeed.
Recognition:  Provide consistent recognition and praise for their effort, improvement and accomplishments.

The Social Development Strategy also recognises the important influence of individual characteristics on the capacity to take advantage of other protective processes.  Characteristics such as positive social orientation, resiliency and intellect can facilitate bonding and, in some cases, can be nurtured by communities and adults.