
Family Focused Programs

Behaviour Exchange Systems Training PLUS (BEST PLUS)

BEST PLUS is a brief family therapy program designed to help families cope with adolescent substance abuse and other high-risk and disruptive behaviours. Parents often experience considerable distress when they recognise adolescent substance abuse and mental...

Families and Schools Together (FAST)

The Families and Schools Together (FAST) programs are designed to strengthen families, enhance parenting skills, and connect families to their schools, with a view to helping children succeed academically and socially. The major intervention elements aim to...

Family Support using Home Visitors

Family Support using Home Visitors is a key strategy for assisting highly disadvantaged communities to break the cycle of inter-generational risk. Home visitors are trained to build a trusted relationship with referred families based on shared respect, and in...

Resilient Families – Early Secondary School Parenting Project/Parenting Adolescents: a Creative Experience

The school-based Resilient Families prevention program is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and support networks of students and their parents in order to promote adolescent health and wellbeing.

The Strengthening Families Program 10 – 14

The Strengthening Families Program for 10 – 14 year olds (SFP 10-14) is a universal prevention program that aims to assist families within late primary school/early high school. The program is designed to increase resilience, and reduce risk factors for...

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

The Triple P Positive Parenting Program is the most commonly implemented parenting program in Australia. Triple P is a parenting and family support strategy that targets the developmental periods of infancy, toddlerhood, pre-school, primary school and...