Getting Started

Training and Technical Assistance

Training and assistance are provided to individuals, schools, and their communities throughout the process.

The training events at each phase equip school and community stakeholders with the knowledge and resources necessary to complete the CTC milestones to a high standard.

In Victoria training and assistance focusses on effective use of the School Mental Health Menu

The following training events can be tailored to your school and community:

Phase 1: Get Started

Phase 1.1 Training: Learn effective strategies to create caring connections with young people.

Find out more here:  

Phase 1.2 Training: Learn how to connect with your school community organising the “Get ready for Communities That Care forum”.

Phase 2: Get Organised

Phase 2.1 Training: Learn effective strategies to create caring school and community teams.

Phase 2.2 Training: Establish a Communities That Care Partnership in your school community.

Phase 3: Develop a Profile

Phase 3.1 Training: Learn how to complete a mental health promotion assessment in your school and community.

Phase 3.2 Training: Receive support from our survey team to profile mental health influences in your school community.

Phase 3.3 Training: Establish priorities with your Communities That Care Partnership.

Phase 4: Create a Plan

Phase 4.1 Training: Learn how to select and combine effective programs into a Mental Health Promotion Plan.

Phase 4.2 Training: Develop an effective action plan within your Communities That Care Partnership.

Phase 5: Implement and Evaluate

Phase 5.1 Training: Learn the Communities That Care approach to implementation monitoring and evaluation.

Phase 5.2 Training: Receive survey support to evaluate your school community plan.

Phase 5.3 Training: Celebrate and report your Communities That Care Partnership achievements.

Communities That Care Youth Survey

The Communities That Care Youth Survey is administered to students attending local primary and secondary schools.

The survey is suitable for students in Grade 5 through to Year 12. Our team will work with your school community to determine the most suitable year levels to survey. The survey has been designed to provide a snapshot of issues for young people, particularly in the areas of substance abuse, antisocial behaviour, youth violence and mental health. It also investigates risk and protective factors for these health and problem behaviours within the domains of community, school, family and peer/individual. Our team can also analyse and report on other data that may be of interest to your school community such as education, health, and crime statistics.

For more information on the CTC Youth Survey, please contact our team.